Chapter 6 : Deploy metadata from Scratch Org to Sandbox/Production Environment using SFDX

In this Chapter we will learn about how to Deploy metadata from Scratch Org to Sandbox/Production Environment using SFDX


Please go through Earlier Chapters in the Lightning Web Component Series before starting this one to get thorough understanding of the concepts.

Let’s get Started !

Scratch org does not have package.xml but will have it when we convert it into metadata format so that we can deploy it to sandbox/ production org.

Deploying metadata to a Salesforce instance

Much like existing tools such as the IDE and Migration Tool (ant), you’ll need a structured source directory (src) and a manifest file (package.xml) in order to deploy metadata.

Step 1: Convert source format to metadata format

Execute below command from the project

sfdx force:source:convert -d metadatadeploy

Converts metadata retrieved via Metadata API into the source format used in Salesforce DX projects.

-d Folder where metadata is generated

Step 2: Deploy from scratch to sandbox/ production org 

Execute below command

Sfdx: force:mdapi:deploy -d depmetadata -u sandboxtodeploy

-d Deployment folder where metadata is present

-u username of sandbox /prod org

When deploying, you can choose to wait until the deployment has completed (or until the specified number of minutes has expired)

sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d metadatadeploy -w 5 -u sfdcSmriti

Step 3: Check deployment Status

Execute below command

sfdx force:mdapi:deploy:report


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