Sugar Rush of Salesforce CPQ Pricing: Unwrapping Price Conditions and Actions in the Candy Store Wonderland!


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Salesforce CPQ Interview Questions Part 1

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Welcome to the enchanting Candy Store Wonderland, where we will dive into the delightful adventure of Salesforce CPQ pricing magic! We Will Unwrap Price Condition and Price Action with Candy Store scenarios.

We will explore examples of Candy-Coated Pricing Conditions like “Get Gift bag with purchase of Delicious Chocolate Candies”, Sweet Pricing Actions like “Buy One, Get One Free Candy to Double the Sweetness” that will leave you craving for more. We’ll uncover how price conditions and actions can be customized to create unique promotions, discounts, and offers that keep customers coming back for more candy-filled adventures.

Let’s unfold the pricing magic together!

Price Condition

Let’s explore the use of the Price Condition object with the help of use cases.

1. Candy Type Discount:

– Condition: Set the Field to “Candy Type” and the Operator to “Equals.” Specify the Value as “Gummy Bears.”

– Result: When a customer adds gummy bear candies to their quote, the Price Condition will evaluate the candy type and apply the defined pricing action, such as a discount or adjusted price.

2. Quantity Threshold:

– Condition: Define the Field as “Quantity” and the Operator as “Greater Than” or “Equals.” Set the Value as a specific quantity threshold, like 10.

– Result: When a customer adds candies to their quote and the quantity exceeds the specified threshold, the Price Condition will trigger a pricing action, such as a bulk discount or a different pricing tier.

3. Custom Attribute Condition:

– Condition: Define a custom field in the Field section, such as “Organic Candy.” Set the Operator to “Equals” and the Value as “True.”

– Result: When a customer adds organic candies to their quote, the Price Condition will check the custom attribute and apply a specific pricing action, such as a premium price or a discount for organic products.

4. Date-Based Promotion:

– Condition: Specify the Field as “Quote Date” Set the Operator to “Within Range” and provide the desired date range for the promotion.

– Result: When the quote or line-item falls within the specified date range, the Price Condition will trigger a pricing action, such as a limited-time discount or a special offer.

Price Rule and Price Condition object are having Master – Detail Relationship.

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Understanding Fields in Price Condition Object

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What is the use of Price Rule Field in Price Condition object?

Connects Price Condition with Parent Price Rule. It signifies which Price Rule the Price Condition is associated with and determines under which rule the condition should be evaluated.

What is the significance of Object and Field in Price Condition?

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When creating a Price Condition, you select the appropriate object from the available options in the “Object” field. This specifies the related object that you want to reference in the condition. Once you select the object, you can then choose the specific field from that object in the “Object Field” field.

For example, let’s say you have a Price Condition that checks if the “Candy Flavor” field on the related Quote Line object is equal to “Lemon”. In this case, you would select the “Quote Line” object in the “Object” field and then choose the “Candy Flavor” field.

Scenario: Set up a Price Condition to check if the “Type” field of the Candy associated with the Quote Line is equal to “Gummy Bear.”

Here’s how it works:

1. In the Price Condition record, you would select the “Quote Line” object in the “Object” field. This indicates that you want to evaluate a field from the Quote Line object.

2. Next, in the “Object Field” field, you would choose the “Candy.Type” field. This specifies that you want to reference the “Type” field from the related Candy object associated with the Quote Line.

3. To complete the condition, you would set the operator as “Equals” and provide the value “Gummy Bear.” This condition will check if the Candy type for the associated Quote Line is “Gummy Bear.”

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What is Tested Variable Field in Price Condition?

The “Tested Variables” field in the Price Condition object allows you to store and reference intermediate values during the evaluation of the condition. Let’s understand its use with a candy example.

Scenario: You want to apply a discount on a specific type of candy, but only if the total quantity of all candy items in the quote exceeds a certain threshold.

1. Price Condition:

– Object: Quote Line

– Object Field: Product.Type (to check the candy type)

– Condition: Candy Type equals “Chocolate Bar”

2. Tested Variables:

– Create a tested variable called “TotalCandyQty” to store the total quantity of all candy items in the quote.

3. Price Action:

– Object: Quote

– Object Field: Discount Percentage

– Action: Update Field

– Value: If TotalCandyQty is greater than 10, set the Discount Percentage to 10%; otherwise, set it to 5%.


In this example, the Price Condition checks if the candy type is “Chocolate Bar” for each Quote Line. If it matches, you can utilize the “Tested Variables” field to store the total quantity of all candy items in the quote.

The Price Action then updates the Discount Percentage field on the Quote based on the value of the “TotalCandyQty” tested variable. If the total quantity of candy items in the quote exceeds 10, a discount of 10% is applied. Otherwise, a discount of 5% is applied.

By using the “Tested Variables” field, you can calculate and store the total quantity of candy items in the quote and use it in subsequent actions to determine the appropriate discount percentage. This enables you to apply different discounts based on the overall quantity of candy items in the quote.

What is the use of Tested Formula Field in Price Condition?

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The “Tested Formula” field in a Price Condition allows you to define a formula expression that is evaluated to determine whether the condition is met or not. It allows you to create dynamic conditions that consider different factors.

Scenario: You want to apply a discount on a product only if the following conditions are met:

– The product is a “Chocolate Bar” or a “Gummy Bear.”

– The quantity of the product is greater than or equal to 10.

– The total price of the product exceeds $50.

To set up this condition using a tested formula:

1. Create a Price Condition with the following details:

– Object: Quote Line

– Tested Formula: Enter the formula expression that combines the conditions:

`(Product.Type = “Chocolate Bar” || Product.Type = “Gummy Bear”) && Quantity >= 10 && TotalPrice > 50`

In this example, the tested formula combines multiple conditions using logical operators (|| for OR, && for AND). It checks if the product type is either “Chocolate Bar” or “Gummy Bear,” the quantity is greater than or equal to 10, and the total price is greater than $50. Only if all these conditions are true, the Price Condition will be met.

What is the difference between “Tested Formula” in a Price Condition and the “Advanced Condition” in a Price Rule?

The “Tested Formula” in a Price Condition and the “Advanced Condition” in a Price Rule allow you to define complex conditions for determining when a specific action or adjustment should be applied. However, there are some key differences between them:

Tested Formula in Price Condition:

– It is used within a Price Condition to evaluate whether the condition is met or not for individual quote line items.

– It is evaluated at the line-item level, considering the specific values of fields on the quote line.

– The formula can include field references, logical operators, comparisons, and functions to perform calculations and comparisons based on the values of fields on the quote line.

– The result of the formula determines if the condition is met, and if so, the associated Price Action(s) will be applied to the quote line.

Advanced Condition in Price Rule:

– It is used within a Price Rule to define more complex conditions that may involve multiple quote line items or related objects.

– It is evaluated at the rule level, considering the values across multiple quote line items or related objects.

– The advanced condition is typically written using Apex or SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) and can include custom logic, queries, and calculations.

– The result of the advanced condition determines if the entire rule is applied or skipped entirely for a particular quote.

In summary, the tested formula in a Price Condition is used to evaluate conditions at the individual quote line item level, while the advanced condition in a Price Rule allows for more advanced conditions involving multiple quote line items or related objects.

Let’s understand the difference between the tested formula in a Price Condition and the advanced condition in a Price Rule with the help of an example:


You have a Price Rule for applying a discount on products based on the following conditions:

– Condition 1: Apply a 10% discount if the product quantity is greater than or equal to 10.

– Condition 2: Apply a 5% discount if the product belongs to a specific category, “Special Category”.

Tested Formula in Price Condition:

In this approach, you will use a tested formula within each Price Condition to evaluate the condition at the individual quote line-item level.

Price Condition 1:

– Object: Quote Line

– Tested Formula: `Quantity >= 10`

Price Condition 2:

– Object: Quote Line

– Tested Formula: `Product.Category = “Special Category”`

In this example, the tested formula is used to check if each quote line item meets the specific condition. If the formula evaluates to true for a quote line item, the associated Price Action will be applied to that item.

Advanced Condition in Price Rule:

In this approach, you will use an advanced condition within the Price Rule to evaluate the conditions at the rule level, considering multiple quote line items.

Price Rule:

– Advanced Condition: `SUM(QuoteLine.Quantity) >= 10 && MAX(QuoteLine.Product.Category) = “Special Category”`

In this example, the advanced condition is used to evaluate the conditions across all the quote line items in the quote. If the advanced condition evaluates to true, the associated Price Actions within the Price Rule will be applied to all the eligible quote line items.

What is the use of the “Operator” field in a Price Condition?

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This field determines the comparison or logical operation to be performed when evaluating the condition.

The available operators in the “Operator” field may vary depending on the data type of the field being compared. Here are some common operators you may encounter:

– Equals (=): Checks if the field value is equal to the specified value.

– Not Equals (!=): Checks if the field value is not equal to the specified value.

– Greater Than (>): Checks if the field value is greater than the specified value.

– Less Than (<): Checks if the field value is less than the specified value.

– Greater Than or Equal To (>=): Checks if the field value is greater than or equal to the specified value.

– Less Than or Equal To (<=): Checks if the field value is less than or equal to the specified value.

– Contains: Checks if the field value contains a specific substring or value.

For example, if you have a Price Condition to apply a discount when the quantity of a product is greater than 10, you will use the “Greater Than” operator (>) and specify the value 10 in the condition.

What is Use of Filter Type field in Price Condition Object?

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1. Variable: Allows you to select a summary variable that holds a specific value. Summary variables are used to store and reference calculated values based on formula logic or aggregations.

2. Formula: Allows you to specify a formula or expression that determines the condition for the Price Rule to be applied. You can use formula functions, operators, and field references to create complex conditions based on the values of the quote line item or other related objects.

3. Value: Specifies a specific value that the field on the quote line item will be compared against. It is typically used in conjunction with the “Field” and “Operator” fields to define the condition.

Together, the “Variable”, “Formula”, “Value” allow you to define the conditions that determine when the Price Rule should be applied to a specific quote line item.

What is Filter Value Field in Price Condition?

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The filter value represents the expected value or threshold against which the field on the quote line or quote line group is compared. The filter value can be a numeric value, text value, date, or any other appropriate data type depending on the field being used in the condition.

Scenario: Price Rule that offers a discount on gummy bear candies if the quantity exceeds a certain threshold. You want to apply for a 10% discount when the quantity is greater than 10.


In this scenario, the Price Condition will have the following configuration:

– Filter Type: Quote Line Field

– Field: Quantity

– Operator: Greater Than

– Filter Value: 10

Here, the filter value is set to 10, indicating that the condition is looking for a quantity greater than 10. When evaluating the quote lines, if the quantity of gummy bear candies exceeds 10, the condition is considered true, and the Price Rule with the associated action, such as applying the 10% discount, will be applied.

What is the use of Filter Variable Field in Price Condition?

The Filter Variable Field in the Price Condition allows you to reference a custom variable specific to the a quote line or quote line group and use it in the condition evaluation.

Let’s consider a candy example to understand the use of the Filter Variable Field in the Price Condition.


Suppose you have a custom variable called ” MinOrderQuantity ” .The goal is to apply a discount when quantity exceeds the MinOrderQuantity value of 10


1. Define a Custom Variable:

– Create a custom variable called “MinOrderQuantity” to represent the minimum quantity of candy items required to qualify for a discount.

– Set the value of “MinOrderQuantity” to 10.

2. Create a Price Condition:

– Filter Type: Quote Line Field

– Field: Quantity

– Operator: Greater Than or Equal To

– Filter Variable Field: MinOrderQuantity

This Price Condition checks if the Quantity of the candy items in the quote line is greater than or equal to the value stored in the “MinOrderQuantity” variable.

3. Create a Price Action:

– Specify the action to be taken when the Price Condition is met. For example, you can apply a discount of 10% to the Unit Price of the candy items.

4. Apply the Price Rule:

– Connect the Price Condition and Price Action to the Price Rule.

– Ensure that the Price Rule is active and set up to be triggered appropriately in your pricing configuration.

Now, let’s see how this example works:

– Scenario 1: Quantity is less than 10

– If the Quantity of the candy items in the quote line is less than 10, the Price Condition evaluates to false.

– The Price Rule is not triggered, and no discount is applied.

– Scenario 2: Quantity is 10 or more

– If the Quantity of the candy items in the quote line is equal to or greater than 10, the Price Condition evaluates to true.

– The Price Rule is triggered, and the specified action, such as applying a 10% discount to the Unit Price, is executed on those candy items.

What is the difference between Filter Variable and Tested Variable field in Price Condition?

The main difference between a filter variable and a tested variable in Salesforce CPQ is the context in which they are used.

Filter Variable:

– A filter variable is used in the Price Condition to define a dynamic condition based on a specific value stored in a custom variable.

– It allows you to reference a custom variable defined within the context of the quote line or quote line group.

– The filter variable is used as part of the condition evaluation to compare against other fields or values.

– It helps determine if the conditions specified in the Price Condition is met or not.

Tested Variable:

– A tested variable is used in the Advanced Condition of a Price Rule to evaluate a formula or logic based on specific values stored in custom variables.

– It allows you to create complex conditions or calculations based on the values of custom variables.

– The tested variable is used in combination with other variables, fields, or formulas to determine the outcome of the Advanced Condition.

Let’s differentiate between Filter Variable and Tested Variable field in the context of a candy example:

Example: Seasonal Discount on Candy Store

Scenario: Filter Variable Usage

If the customer orders 25 candy items, the Price Condition with the filter variable “MinOrderQuantity” will evaluate if the quantity is greater than or equal to 20. If the condition is met, the specified action, such as applying a discount, will be triggered.


1. Create a custom variable called “MinOrderQuantity”

2. Set the value of “MinOrderQuantity” to 20, indicating that customers need to order at least 20 candy items to be eligible for the discount.

Price Condition:

3. Create a Price Condition in the Price Rule.

4. Select the “Quantity” field as the filter field.

5. Choose the “Greater than or equal to” operator.

6. Enter the filter value as the “MinOrderQuantity” variable.

7. Specify the desired action to be taken, such as applying a percentage discount, when the condition is met.

Scenario Tested Variable Usage

Example: If the customer has a loyalty level of “Gold” and the tested variable “DiscountPercentage” is set to 15%, the Advanced Condition will evaluate if the customer’s loyalty level is “Gold” .If the condition is true, discount percentage will be executed.


1. Create a custom variable called “DiscountPercentage” in Salesforce CPQ.

2. Set the value of “DiscountPercentage” to 15, indicating a 15% discount for loyal customers.

Advanced Condition:

3. Create an Advanced Condition in the Price Rule.

4. Define the logic using tested variables, such as “DiscountPercentage”, customer loyalty level, and other criteria.

5. Specify the desired action to be taken, such as applying the discount percentage, when the Advanced Condition evaluates to true.

In summary, filter variables are used in Price Conditions to check if certain criteria or thresholds are met, based on custom variables, fields, or values. Tested variables, on the other hand, are used in Advanced Conditions to perform calculations or logic based on custom variables, customer attributes, or other factors to determine the outcome of the Price Rule.

How do we use Filter Formula field in price condition?

The filter formula field in the Price Condition allows you to define a formula-based condition to determine if the rule should be applied. Let’s consider an example in the context of a candy store:

Scenario: Buy One, Get One Free Promotion

If the customer is purchasing at least two candy items apply a discount to make one of the items free as part of a “Buy One, Get One Free” promotion.


Here’s a step-by-step example of using the filter formula field in the Price Condition to implement a “Buy One, Get One Free” promotion in a candy store scenario:

1. Configure the Price Condition:

– Set the filter type to “Formula” in the Price Condition record.

– Enter a formula in the filter formula field to check if the condition is met. Quantity >= 1.

– This formula checks if the quantity of the candy item in the quote line is greater than or equal to 1, indicating that the customer is purchasing at least two items.

2. Specify the desired action:

– Determine the action you want to take when the filter formula evaluates to true. In this case, it is a “Buy One, Get One Free” promotion.

What is the use of Index Field in Price Condition?

The “Index” field in the Price Condition object can be used to define the order in which the conditions are evaluated for applying pricing rules. Let’s consider an example to understand its use:

Scenario: Discount for Chocolate Bars

1. Create a Price Rule for applying a discount to chocolate bars.

2. Add multiple Price Conditions within the Price Rule to define different conditions under which the discount should be applied. For instance:

– Price Condition 1: Check if the candy type is “Chocolate Bar”.

– Price Condition 2: Check if the quantity of chocolate bars is greater than or equal to 10.

– Price Condition 3: Check if the customer has a specific membership level.

3. Set the Index values for each Price Condition:

– Price Condition 1: Set the Index value to 1.

– Price Condition 2: Set the Index value to 2.

– Price Condition 3: Set the Index value to 3.

By assigning Index values to the Price Conditions, you are defining the order in which they should be evaluated. In this example, Price Condition 1 with an Index value of 1 will be evaluated first, followed by Price Condition 2 with an Index value of 2, and finally Price Condition 3 with an Index value of 3.


Price Action

Let’s explore the use of the Price Action object with various examples.

1. Applying a Discount:

– Price Action: Set a Price Action object with the Target Object as “Quote Line”

– Action: Specify a discount percentage, like 20% off, in the Price Action.

– Result: When a customer adds a specific candy to their quote, the Price Action will automatically apply the discount to the Unit Price of that candy, resulting in a reduced price.

2. Volume Pricing:

– Price Action: Create a Price Action object with the Target Object set as “Quote Line.”

– Action: Define a price tier structure in the Price Action based on quantity ranges. For example:

– 1-10 candies: $1 per candy

– 11-20 candies: $0.90 per candy

– 21+ candies: $0.80 per candy

– Result: When a customer adds candies to their quote, the Price Action will adjust the Unit Price based on the quantity, providing volume-based pricing discounts.

3. Gift with Purchase:

– Price Action: Set the Target Object as “Quote” to apply the action at the quote level.

– Action: Specify a condition that if the customer purchases a certain quantity of a specific candy, they will receive a gift.

– Result: When the specified condition is met, the Price Action will automatically add the free gift to the quote, enhancing the customer experience.

4. Special Pricing for VIP Customers:

– Price Action: Create a Price Action object with the Target Object as “Quote” or “Quote Line” based on your requirement.

– Action: Define a custom field that identifies VIP customers. Set the Price Action to apply a specific discount for those customers.

– Result: When a VIP customer adds candies to their quote, the Price Action will recognize their status and apply the exclusive discount automatically.

These examples demonstrate how the Price Action object allows you to define specific actions, such as applying discounts, adjusting pricing based on quantity, offering free gifts, or providing special pricing for specific customer segments. The Price Action object enables you to automate these actions.

Price Rule and Price Action object have master detail relationship.

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Understanding Fields in Price Action Object

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What is the use of Price Rule Field in Price Action object?

Connects Price Action with Parent Price Rule. It signifies which Price Rule the Price Action is associated with and determines under which rule the condition should be evaluated.

What is the significance of Target Object in Price Action?

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Target Object in Price Action determines where the pricing changes specified in the Price Action will be applied.

Suppose you have a Price Action that applies a discount of 10% to the Unit Price of gummy bear candies when the quantity exceeds 100. The Target Object field in the Price Action determines which records will receive this discount.

In this case, you would select the “Quote Line” object as the Target Object in the Price Action. This means that the discount will be applied to the Quote Line records that represent the gummy bear candies in the quote.

Significance of Value field in Price Action?

The Value field in the Price Action object is used to specify the specific value or data that needs to be set field in the target object. It defines the outcome of the Price Action, indicating the desired result or change that should occur.

Scenario: When a customer adds a strawberry-flavored gummy bear to their quote, the Price Action will update the Price field of that candy to the specified value of $2.50.


– Price Action: Create a Price Action object with the Target Object set as “Quote Line.”

– Field: Choose the “Price” field in the target object that you want to update with a new value

– Value: Specify the desired price for the candy flavor in the Value field. If the candy is a strawberry-flavored gummy bear, set the Value field as $2.50.

What is the use of the Formula field in the Price Action object and the Formula field in the Price Condition object?

Let’s understand when to use the Formula field in each object.

  • The Formula field in the Price Action is used to calculate and directly apply the discount amount or field value based on certain criteria.
  • The Formula field in the Price Condition sets conditions or calculates values that determine when the Price Action should be executed.

Suppose you want to offer a 10% discount on a “chocolate” candy flavor, but the discount amount varies based on the quantity ordered of the chocolate candy flavor in the quote.

Using Formula in Price Action:

In this scenario, you can add a Formula field directly to the Price Action object. The formula would calculate the discount amount based on the quantity of the “chocolate” candy flavor.

Using Formula in Price Condition:

In some cases, you may want to apply the discount only if the quantity of the specific candy flavor exceeds a certain threshold.

“IF (Quantity > 10, 0.2, 0.1)” which sets the discount percentage to 20% if the quantity is greater than 10, and 10% otherwise. The Price Condition checks this formula and evaluates whether the condition is met. If the condition is met, it triggers the associated Price Action with the defined discount percentage.

Reasons for Using Formulas in Price Condition:

1. Conditional Logic: The Formula field in the Price Condition allows you to define conditional logic based on specific criteria. You can set up complex conditions involving multiple fields or calculations to determine if the Price Action should be triggered.

2. Advanced Filtering: The Price Condition can evaluate various factors such as quantity, price, date range, or any other relevant fields before deciding to apply the Price Action.

Reasons for Using Formulas in Price Action:

1. Direct Field Updates: If the discount calculation is straightforward and does not require complex conditions or filtering, you can directly calculate and update the field value in the Price Action.

What is the Significance of Source Field in Price Action?

The “Source Field” in Price Action specifies the field from which the value will be fetched and used in the Price Action.


For a particular candy product, the “Original Price” field on the Product object is $10.

When the Price Action is triggered, it will fetch the value of $10 from the “Original Price” field on the Product object.

The Price Action will then update the “Discounted Price” field on the Quote Line with the fetched value. Let’s say you have a discount percentage of 20%. In this case, the calculation would be:

Discounted Price = Original Price – (Original Price * Discount Percentage)

= $10 – ($10 * 0.20)

= $10 – $2

= $8

After the Price Action is executed, the “Discounted Price” field on the Quote Line will be updated with the calculated value of $8.


Following Details will be filled in price action object:

– Source Object: Product

– Source Field: Original Price

– Target Object: Quote Line

– Target Field: Discounted Price

Difference between Source Field and Source Lookup Field in Price Action?

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Source Field:

– The Source Field refers to a specific field on the source object from which data is fetched and used in the Price Action.

Source Lookup Field:

– The Source Lookup Field, on the other hand, is used when you want to fetch a related record’s field value through a lookup relationship. It allows you to traverse through a lookup field to access fields on the related object and use them in the Price Action.

To understand the difference, let’s consider an example with a candy store:

Suppose you have a custom field called “Original Price” on the Product object and a lookup relationship between the Product and Manufacturer objects. The Manufacturer object has a field called “Manufacturer Name”.

If you want to fetch and use the “Original Price” field value directly, you would use the Source Field. However, if you want to access the “Manufacturer Name” field value through the lookup relationship, you would use the Source Lookup Field.

Here’s a comparison between the two:

Source Field:

– Example: Product.Original_Price__c

– Directly references the field on the source object.

– Fetches and uses the value of the specified field as is.

Source Lookup Field:

– Example: Product.Manufacturer__r.Manufacturer_Name__c

– Traverses through a lookup relationship to access the related object’s field value.

– Fetches and uses the value of the specified field on the related object.

In summary, the Source Field is used to directly reference a field on the source object, while the Source Lookup Field is used to fetch a related record’s field value through a lookup relationship. The choice depends on the specific data you want to retrieve and use in the Price Action.

What is the use of Source Variable field in Price Rule?

Let’s continue with our candy store example to illustrate the use of the Source Variable Field in a Price Action.

The Source Variable Field in the Price Action allows you to fetch the value of the custom variable let’s say “DiscountPercentage” from the associated Price Rule. This enables Price Action to dynamically apply the correct discount percentage to the “Discounted Price” field.

1. Set the following details for the Price Action:

– Source Object: Quote Line

– Target Object: Quote Line

– Target Field: Discounted Price

– Source Variable Field: DiscountPercentage

3. Let’s say the Price Rule determined that the applicable discount percentage is 15% based on the quantity of candy in the quote.

4. The Price Action will then use the fetched value of 15% and apply it to the “Discounted Price” field on the Quote Line. Let’s assume the original price of the candy is $10.

Discounted Price = Original Price – (Original Price * Discount Percentage)

= $10 – ($10 * 0.15)

= $10 – $1.50

= $8.50

5. After the Price Action is executed, the “Discounted Price” field on the Quote Line will be updated with the calculated value of $8.50.


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